Why This Demonstration In Calcutta !

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The student protests in Bangladesh for road safety has come to an end.

Ultra–leftists demonstrating before the Bangladesh Deputy High Commission in Calcutta.

Prime minister Sheikh Hasina has accepted the student demands and they have heeded her appeal to return to classrooms.


Some of the placards and the posters carried by the Calcutta demonstrators carried political messages and had nothing to do with road safety



But for the last two days, much after the movement in Bangladesh had petered out, a group of ultra–leftists have been demonstrating before the Bangladesh Deputy High Commission in Calcutta, apparently to express solidarity with the movement in Dhaka.

Does it make sense to express solidarity with a movement much after it has ended in another country !

On Wednesday some of the placards and the posters carried by the Calcutta demonstrators carried political messages and had nothing to do with road safety.

This also begs the question about whether Calcutta roads are safer than Dhaka’s and why the protesters here are not demanding safer roads in Calcutta rather than Dhaka. ■

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