THE identity of mentally challenged woman has been revealed who is staying at no–man’s land of India–Bangladesh border at Khatalchari of South Tripura, adjacent to Ramgarh Upa Zila of Khagrachhari Hill district.

■ The ill woman inside Bangladesh territory | Privately Arranged
A senior official from Bangladesh foreign ministry told LOOKEAST that her name is Shahanaj Parvin a 32 years old lady from Alga Union Parishad of Ulipur Upa Zila in Kurigram district. Her parents identified as Hatem Ali Sheikh and Omela Khatun. Her siblings are Omar Ali and Shaheb Ali.
Red Cresent Khagrachhari unit will collect her sample for COVID-19 test. Until test result found, she will stay in isolation in Khagrachhari. If negative, then Red Cresent & BGB will take necessary action for sending her to native village in Kurigram
Red Cresent Khagrachhari unit will collect her sample for COVID-19 test. Until test result found, she will stay in isolation in Khagrachhari. If negative, then Red Cresent and BGB will take necessary action for sending her to native village in Kurigram.

Red Cresent Bangladesh and BGB’s intelligence Unit (BSB) jointly managed to discover the identity of that mentally challenged woman, who stagnant along India–Bangladesh border since 2nd April. Now she is staying at Bangladesh side of same location.
43 BGB battalion commander Lieutenant Colonel Md. Tariqul Hakim told that after confirmed her identity, they took her responsibility
There are series of flag meetings conducted between two border guards, regarding the identity of the mentally challenged woman. Unfortunately each meeting resulted inconclusive. 43 BGB battalion commander Lieutenant Colonel Md. Tariqul Hakim told that after confirmed her identity, they took her responsibility.
Initially the ill women referring her residence at Sabroom or Harina area in South Tripura. Later she emphasis the Kurigram location. After extensive investigation in all locations by Red Cresent Bangladesh, BGB’s intelligence Unit (BSB) and Indian border guard force BSF come out with a result.
Woman’s family in Kurigram thanked to all who managed to find out their daughter. It is learnt that the women is mentally challenged and went out from home two years ago.
ALSO READ | ‘Mentally Challenged’ Woman Stagnant Along India–Bangladesh Border | https://lookeast.in/mentally-challenged-woman-stranded-on-sandbar-along-india-bangladesh-border/
All inputs regarding identification of the mentally challenged woman shared with BSF by its counterpart Border Guard Bangladesh or BGB. ■