Hasina Receives Two Awards During UNGA
— September 27, 2018
Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has received two awards this week for her government’s humanitarian response to the Rohingya refugee crisis.

■ Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina at the UN headquarters in New York | PID
She received the International Achievement Award from the Inter Press Service News Agency and the “2018 Special Recognition for Outstanding Leadership Award from the General Kofi Annan and former UN Secretary General Boutros lobal Hope Coalition.
The Inter Press Service News Agency’s International Achievement Award was created in 1985 to provide a link between the actions of the United Nations at the global level and the leaders who embody those actions. Previous recipients of the award include former UN Secretary GBoutros–Ghali.
The Global Hope Coalition is a global platform meant to empower courageous individuals who stand up to terror and violence, and build bridges across cultures.
Both awards reflects Hasina’s global standing and is a recognition for her government’s deft handling of the Rohingya crisis
Both awards reflects Hasina’s global standing and is a recognition for her government’s deft handling of the Rohingya crisis.
Bangladesh has sheltered nearly one million Rohingyas who fled extreme persecution in Myanmar’s Rakhine province over the years, especially after August 2017 when a new Rohingya rebel group ARSA attacked 30 police outposts’ in one night. ■