Dhaka Reluctant to Accept New Pakistani Envoy

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After India, ties between Pakistan and Bangladesh have also gone sour as Dhaka has refused to accept new Pakistani high commissioner to Bangladesh.

Credible diplomatic sources revealed that awaiting the agreement of high commissioner to Bangladesh Saqlain Syedah.

■ Saqlain Syedah with Chinese Chambers of Commerce Forum Secretary–General Chen Jianwen in “Belt and Road” event.

The post of the high commissioner of Pakistan to Bangladesh went vacant after the retirement of Rafiuzaman Siddiqui in February this year. Following the retirement of Siddiqui, Saqlain Syedah was designated as new high commissioner to Bangladesh. She is a PBS–20 officer of the foreign service of Pakistan.


Islamabad nominated a new envoy to Dhaka Saqlain Syedah, the Hasina government has refused to accept her. The Pakistan High Commission is being charged with encouraging activities against the Bangladesh government


Following the diplomatic procedures, the Foreign Office immediately sent nomination credentials of Saqlain to Dhaka, but despite a number of reminders through note verbales Dhaka neither gave any response nor any reason.

In the recent past (2015–16), both Islamabad and Dhaka had expelled each other’s diplomats on various charges.

Sheikh Hasina administration suspected of Pakistan’s diplomatic mission being misused to perpetrate ISI activities against Dhaka and Delhi. Source close to Bangladesh foreign office said that the Pakistan High Commission is being charged with encouraging activities against the Awami League government.

Bangladesh government sources told from Dhaka that the Pakistani High Commission in Dhaka has emerged as a centre of anti–government activities as well as activities against India.

Sources, speaking on the condition of anonymity, alleged that Pakistan High Commission in Dhaka was misusing social media tools such as Facebook to spread disinformation campaign to create unrest in the country.


Diplomatic row between Islamabad and Dhaka has escalated as Islamabad is considering expulsion of Bangladeshi high commissioner following Dhaka’s refusal to accept the Pakistani high commissioner


Diplomatic row between Islamabad and Dhaka has escalated as Islamabad is considering expulsion of Bangladeshi high commissioner following Dhaka’s refusal to accept the Pakistani high commissioner.

Diplomatic sources told that the Pak Foreign Ministry had informed prime minister Imran Khan about the diplomatic row between the two countries and recommended the expulsion of the Bangladeshi High Commissioner to Pakistan Tarik Ahsan.

It is no secret that Pak–Bangla ties are far from cordial and the Hasina government did not budge from executing the 1971 pro–Pak war criminals over the past 10 years despite Pakistan’s plea.

The previous BNP regime has been accused of promoting ISI designs from the Bangladeshi territory against India, including support to the insurgent groups from northeast India. However, within months after coming to power in 2009, Hasina cracked down and handed over almost all insurgents to Delhi. The ISI has also been accused of promoting activities against Sheikh Hasina led Awami League government. ■

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