The Game Behind Dhaka Rumours
— October 10, 2017
Dhaka has been agog with rumours of the darkest kind.
Prime Minister Hasina planning exit with 86 associates after installing army in power was the most sensational one doing the rounds.

Mahmudur Rahman
Angry supporters were confused and asked the prime minister to deal with those spreading the rumours.
BNP leader Mahmudur Rahman, two senior journalists and few paid bloggers floating fuzzy websites are behind this rumour campaigns.
LOOKEAST got to the bottom of it and found a classic ISI psyops behind the rumours.
Two DGFI brigadiers who have been playing the ISI game on ground by muzzling the media on the assassination story now activated a host of fuzzy lesser known websites to spread the rumours
Having failed to kill Hasina by using rogue bodyguards and jihadis, the Pak spy agency ISI and the BNP-Jamaat combine it is trying to bring back to power tried ‘judicial terrorism’ by suborning the Chief Justice who was expected to uphold a petition challenging the election of 154 uncontested Awami MPs. That would bring down the government and pave the way for an army takeover and polls under a military backed caretaker would bring the Pink Begum to power. That too fell through.
Now those who planned to bring the army to power, ably guided by a former service chief who still wields much influence on the troops, have decided to cover their tracks by blaming Hasina for handing the country over to the army because she can’t win a fair election.
BNP leader Mahmudur Rahman, two senior journalists and few paid bloggers floating fuzzy websites are behind this rumour campaigns
Two DGFI brigadiers who have been playing the ISI game on ground by muzzling the media on the assassination story now activated a host of fuzzy lesser known websites to spread the rumours.
They used some media assets who are used to the agency’s brown (sorry, now yellow) envelopes to augment their poor media income.
Two senior journalists and three websites spread the ISI engineered lies. Many gullibles picked them up. They have been identified and action may soon be taken against them. Modern hi-tech available with intelligence agencies that helps them tap calls and intercept all forms of messages also help identify rumour patterns and get to the bottom of an unfolding psywar.