“Prince Said Finish It”

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Counter-terrorism officials are interrogating a BNP front affiliate leader after intelligence intercepted his conversation with BNP senior vice chairman Tarique Rahman that suggested a possible hit on the Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina.

LOOKEAST has earlier reported a failed assassination bid on Hasina, to debunk which the DGFI and their paid agents unleashed a vicious campaign against LOOKEAST and other journalists who had reported it.

But Omer Farooq, vice president of the Jatiyatabadi Krishak Dal at Netrokona, is now in the custody of DC Tejgaon Biplob Sarkar after intelligence intercepted his 24th August conversation with Tarique Rahman.

Rahman is heard telling Faruq: “President Hamid is abroad, finish the job within 28th August, we have spent a lot of money for it.”

BNP senior vice chairman Tarique Rahman

Indian and Bangladesh intelligence had earlier intercepted communications between ISI Brigadier Ashfaq and JMB’s Kausar pointing to a possible hit on Hasina by some of her rogue bodyguards, after which the JMB was supposed to set off a striong of explosions around the PM Office and knock out the guards at the entrance gates to help the assassins to flee.

That led to a top secret operations in which the threat was decisively neutralised.

Though a small time press officer in PMO Ashraful Khokan issued a denial under DGFI pressure, with neither press secretary Ihsanul Karim nor press advisor Iqbal Sobhan Chowdhury agreeing to sign it in absence of Hasina who was then in US. The Bangladesh intelligence has been chasing up the leads provided by those early intercepts.

LOOKEAST have also reported how the ISI-BNP combine managed Chief Justice Sinha to bring down the government when it came to light that some pro-BNP lawyers would file a petition challenging the validity of the election of 154 MPS elected unopposed and Sinha’s bench would uphold it.

a small time press officer in PMO Ashraful Khokan issued a denial under DGFI pressure, with neither press secretary Ihsanul Karim nor press advisor Iqbal Sobhan Chowdhury agreeing to sign it in absence of Hasina who was then in US

Now Faruq’s arrest following the intercept on 24th August (which was not so far made public, so as not to trigger the Krishak Dal leader’s suspicion)  has provided further confirmation that the ISI-BNP combine was not merely trying to disrupt peace in Rakhine by getting the ARSA to attack 30 police station but also kill Sheikh Hasina.

Counter terrorism officials suspect the ISI-BNP combine had a backup plan after the planned hit on Hasina inside her office was foiled.

Faruq’s arrest could lead to unravelling that Plan B, CTTC official said.

Ajit Kumar, a Hindu leader of the Bangladesh Janata Party (BJP) has also been arrested for his close links with the ‘nefarious plots’ of the BNP-ISI combine.

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