EAO Plenary Meeting starts in Mai Ja Yang

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The Ethnic Armed Organisation’s Plenary Meeting being held from 26-29 July 2016 in Mai Ja Yang, Kachin State, opened today. Gen. N’Ban La from the Kachin Independence Organisation (KIO) and the UN special envoy, Vijay Nambier, delivered their opening speeches.

The message delivered by the UN’s Special Envoy was one of hope for the future and steps towards successful national reconciliation.

Khun Oo Reh, from the New Mon State Party (NMSP) explained the reasons for holding the meeting and the objectives for the next 4 days.


Ethnic Armed Organisation’s plenary session

The Peace Commission recently announced it will provide whatever assistance necessary for the country’s ethnic armed groups attending the upcoming summit in eastern Kachin State.

The government led commission that formed last July is tasked with facilitating peace talks.

Ethnic armed groups will meet in Maijayang–the second largest city controlled by the Kachin Independence Organization–from 26 to 30 July, mainly to discuss the Union Peace Conference scheduled for late August.

Dr Nai Shwe Thein, joint secretary of the Ethnic Armed Summit Organising Committee, said the commission is obligated to help.

“They (the government) want peace so they have to provide [their assistance]. We have also been providing assistance.”

All of the country’s 21 armed groups have been invited to attend the ethnic summit; including 8 groups that signed last year’s so called nationwide ceasefire agreement.

At the time of press, it wasn’t exactly clear what kind of assistance the Peace Commission is offering.

The commission also stated that preparations for the Union Peace Conference are being made to ensure it’s as inclusive as possible. Invitations have been extended to non-NCA signatories to attend the review of the framework for political dialogue that will take place at the conference.

A conference organizer had previously stated that only NCA signatories will be able to vote on decisions.

Credit: BNI/Mizzima

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